3 Life Tips !

3 Life Tips!

Where are you going with your life as of today, and where do you want to go with it?

It’s a new year!  This time of year invites you to pause and reflect on the past year - what did it hold?  No doubt there were some highs and some lows for you.  Much of life we can’t control, but our choices in how we approach life represent those aspects that we can control. 

Because life doesn’t automatically stay in balance for us, it takes real effort to be mindful of our priorities and values, and to be sure the way we are living our lives are congruent with those priorities and values.  As we do so, we reap the benefits of greater life satisfaction and fulfillment.


1.  Take time!  The time we take for self evaluation is time well spent.  It’s in taking the time - getting off the treadmill of the hectic pace of life to look inside - that we can ground ourselves and keep ourselves focused on those things that matter to us.  If we don’t intentionally pause, we may find ourselves so caught up in a busy frenzy that we fail to notice that the activities taking our energy don’t jive with our core values or priorities!

2.  Assess!  Neglecting to take time to take a life assessment leaves us vulnerable to struggles with depression and anxiety.  I challenge you this year to make a commitment to yourself.  A commitment to live the year in ways that are in keeping with your value system.  A commitment to love yourself and those around you well.  A commitment to live each day with intention - with gratitude for each day and the joy that naturally comes from that gratitude.

 What were the hurts the past year carried?  What were the life lessons you can take with you from those hurts?  How about the highs of the year?  What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned from this past year?   What have you managed well and where do you see opportunities for growth?  As you look back, give yourself kudos for what you did well - or that you did the best you could.  Be sure to give yourself compassion and grace for your shortcomings.  Perfection is never the goal! 

No doubt, there are some habits and aspects of your life that you would be better off letting go of.  And, there other things you are best to keep.  Also, give thought to what you do want to keep the same about how you’ve been living - to not change?  What has been working well for you in the past year? Maybe you’ve been good about taking time for yourself, or about reading and learning, exercising, or nurturing your most valued relationships.  Maybe you’ve done well in managing your finances, or in tending to your spiritual growth.  Maybe you did a great job of incorporating fun into your life!

Perhaps some of the things you want to let go of in the new year are things like bad habits, an unsatisfying job, or a toxic relationship.  Maybe it’s a few extra pounds, an addiction, or the clutter that’s burying you.  This is a good time to set some goals for yourself and to think about what you’d like life to look like by the end of this next year.

When we are lacking in any dimension of our life - social, spiritual, emotional, or physical - we tend to feel off balance, and unfulfilled.   


3.  Take Action!  One option for you may be the new Women’s Life Coaching Groups that begin this month on topics such as organization, stress, and resiliency training.  Make this the year that you invest in yourself!   Treat yourself to this fun and fulfilling opportunity to meet some other awesome ladies who are also on a journey of growth!  It doesn’t matter what age you are - we are never to young - or too old - to grow!


Call or email Kay today to discuss your free consultation and options!