4 Tips to a Healthy Holiday Season

Holidays can be a tough time to maintain good health habits!  Temptations abound to entice you into poor self care.  Make a commitment to yourself to get through this season as joyously as possible!

1.  Decide now to take care of yourself over the next several weeks!

In both the workplace and social gatherings, we are immersed in opportunities to overeat!

Many of us enjoy baking and making special treats at this time of year.  Holiday gatherings and festivities also offer an abundance of rich foods, sweets, and alcohol.  By the time you get to the New Year, you can find you’ve gained weight, and that you are feeling sluggish and worn out!  This can, in turn, lead to low mood and feelings of depression and anxiety. 

This is not the time to forgo exercise.  Maintain or implement regular exercise.  Remember - some is better than none!  Go for that walk, take the time to do some stretches, get up and move!   Your body will thank you!

And, of course, nutrition is a necessary consideration towards feeling your best through this season.  Decide in advance how to put some limits on your indulgence of treats. Planning ahead is your friend in this!  For some, it can be helpful to set in advance some self-limits such as:  I will not go back for seconds; or, I will have small servings;  I will have only one drink, etc.  Having made the choice before you are in the situation can help set you up for success. The goal is not to deprive yourself, but practice moderation.

2.  It’s OK to say ‘No’!

This is a time when there are an increased number of demands on your time.  You may have a growing ‘to-do’ list that includes things such as holiday shopping, wrapping, entertaining, cleaning for guests, visiting family, church commitments, and more.  Give yourself permission to say ‘no’ when needed.  Family commitments in particular can add stress to the holiday. It’s truly not only “OK” but necessary to set boundaries about your time commitments.

3.  Take some time for yourself!

What do you enjoy?  What refreshes and renews you?  When was the last time you did it?  Plan it into your schedule and enjoy a date with yourself!  Time alone is vital to a balanced and meaningful life.  It bolsters our ability to cope with stress.  Maybe for that solitude is a hot bath, a cup of tea and a book, listening to music, or being in nature.  Whatever it is for you that brings a sense of serenity and renewal - don’t neglect it! 

4.  Don’t forget to SMILE!

Happiness really does have a lot to do with choice!  As we smile we are telling our brain to choose to enjoy the moment!   We improve not only our mood, but the mood of others as well!  

As you look for the gifts that today brings you will find them.  Remembering to keep balance and healthy habits in our life can make a potentially hectic season a better experience for you - and for those around you.  If you would like some support in getting through this holiday season call now and schedule your free consultation!