Goals For The New Year

Congratulations! You made it through the gauntlet of activities, responsibilities at work, family obligations, and the endless array of holiday parties. You successfully navigated the caloric onslaught that began with Halloween and concluded with New Year’s Eve. You surprised yourself by waking up earlier than you expected on New Year’s Day and began your annual assessment of the previous year. After careful consideration, and a couple of cups of coffee, you came up with your top three goals for 2019:

  1. Lose Weight.
  2. Lose Weight.
  3. Lose Weight.

You smile as you write the list, but it is a melancholy smile. Your introspection that surrounds these goals is cloaked in jest, as you frequently tell friends that you are simply eating your way to emotional security. Like most humorous, self-deprecating statements, this one also rings with a modicum of truth.

You are feeling the extra weight, but it is the weight of life that is fueling your thoughts at the infancy of this new year. You are weary – both physically tired and mentally exhausted.

There is a well-known scripture in Matthew 11 that talks about burdens and yokes – which related easily to the agricultural nature of the audience Jesus was talking to, but it doesn’t quite hit home with the everyday struggles you are facing. But, listen to how the words of Jesus in this passage are translated in The Message, ‘Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.’

Isn’t that beautiful?

That’s not even the best part. Jesus goes on to say, ‘Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.’ That’s what I’m talking about. I can start to feel some of the weight dropping already.

You know, we’ve never thought about our life groups as a weight -loss program, but from a certain point of view, that is an accurate representation of what they are. A place where you can connect with other strong and beautiful women just like you who are negotiating the best way to shed some of the weight and burdens that life brings. And, we do it the healthiest way possible.


Your situation has left you isolated and alone which only contributes to the oppressive weight

you feel. You weren’t meant to carry this burden by yourself. Not only does the Bible talk about helping you learn to live life freely and lightly, it also reminds us the best way to deal with the heaviness of life is to help one another shoulder the load.

That is exactly what we do at Sunrise Center for Wellness. Our life groups help each person experience the unforced rhythms of grace. It’s a safe place to share your problems and troubles in an encouraging environment designed to help you find rest and grow strong.

New groups are starting soon. I invite you to come experience it for yourself, meet some amazing women, and do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time.

Lose some ‘weight.’