Summer Swan Song

This summer is drawing to a close with many headlines competing for your attention. The solar eclipse, record high temperatures, and the tension our nation is experiencing have traditional news outlets and social media buzzing. But, your thoughts are a little closer to home. Summer is almost over and there was so much you wanted to accomplish. Yet, you feel the year and your resolve slipping away from you.

Your New Year’s resolution to get organized and manage your time better evaporated somewhere under the collection of papers strewn across the top of your desk. Your brand new 2017 calendar still displays the month of March. As winter gave way to spring this year, you vowed to lose 10 pounds. You joined a fitness club and bought a new outfit to motivate you to stay with it. Last week you stepped on the scale to reveal you actually gained 5 pounds. You stare at the outfit hanging in your closet and your heart sinks a little.

We’ve all been there.

The New Year brings with it the opportunity for a fresh start. So does Spring. But the calendar also provides another opportunity to begin again. Fall. The back-to-school season provides more than the aroma of freshly sharpened pencils and backpacks around every corner. Just like when we were in school, fall provides another opportunity to start fresh. But not if you keep looking in the rearview mirror, focused on what you haven’t accomplished.

The Bible says in Philippians, ‘Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal. Focusing on past short-comings or even past successes can inhibit your progress. Not because of what happened (or didn’t happen) but because you have taken your eyes off the horizon. Spending all of your time focused on where you are now or where you were then will never help you accomplish your goal.

That’s the beauty of Life Groups at Sunrise Center for Wellness. Each group is focused on who you are becoming and where you are going rather than where you’ve been and what you’ve done (or haven’t done). No judgement, no guilt; just acceptance, encouragement, and an opportunity to grow. New groups a starting soon. Sign up for one today. Fall is a beautiful time of year and the perfect opportunity to take your first step toward a brand new future.